Multiply Tour Services, a division of Multiply Media Group
Multiply Tour Services is owned and operated by Multiply Media Group and all assets, subsidiaries, websites, and extensions of Multiply Tour Services are owned by Multiply Media Group.
Multiply’s Tour Services division is targeted at independent artists that are planning an informal tour. What this means is the artist is not looking for a tour agency to plan their tour. Multiply simply will create tickets, confirm venues, and plan and schedule flights for the artist. Multiply uses Eventbrite to plan venue tickets. Depending on the budget, Multiply will find the best airline to fly you to your destination, schedule hotel rooms, and remotely* plan transportation to and from locations.
Multiply Tours will have to be finalized at least 6 months before the first venue date.
*A Multiply representative will NOT be travelling with you during this tour. If you choose to have any companion of some sort on tour with you, payment for services for extra people can be arranged, but at the artist’s expense.